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Information on scheduling PET examination appointments for patients

Contact details for scheduling appointments::

Phone: 00421 37 3337 199 (between 10 AM - 2 PM)
Fax: 00421 37 3337 198

Preparation for PET/CT with 18FDG examination:

The examination is performed on an empty stomach with the last meal being a light dinner the previous day. Fluids (unsweetened) are allowed. Do not perform any physically demanding activity the day before examination. We will administer Dithiaden to the patient an hour before the examination. Diabetic patients do not have a special preparation, but it is important to make sure the diabetes is compensated (blood glucose level under 10 mmol/l). If glycaemia is higher, the quality of imaging can be very poor and therefore it is recommended not to examine such patients (diabetes must be compensated first). In the abdominal examination, the patient is prepared as in a normal CT examination (the contrast agent is administered 24 hours before examination – if necessary, we recommend consulting your radiologists).

On the examination day, it is necessary that the patient arrives exactly at the agreed time. A nurse will provide the patient with specific information when scheduling the appointment.

Time gap following chemotherapy and radiotherapy:

It is important, in particular, to distinguish what question we want to answer: i.e. concerning the confirmation of a disease’s remission, a gap of at least 10-14 days from the last CHT cycle, at least 6 weeks from surgery and 3 months from the RAT is necessary. In the case of monitoring the effect of CHT the gap can be much smaller, even a few days.

Preparation for PET/CT examination with 18F-choline:

It is required to come to the examination on an empty stomach, but well hydrated. Avoid choline-rich foods for 2-3 days prior to the examination (mainly eggs, innards and products made thereof, fish and animal food, soy and soy products, certain cereal sprouts, vitamin supplements containing choline…). If you are taking hormonal therapy for prostatic carcinoma, do not take it on the day of examination (you can take the medication with you and take it after the examination).

Preparation for PET/CT with 68Ga – PSMA and 68Ga – DOTA- TOC examination

No specific preparation is required for the examination. The patient arrives to the department at a specified time, well hydrated and after a light breakfast..

Mens sana in corpore sano A healthy mind in a healthy body.

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